Voice over

From radio jingles to character voices, I have been blessed to perform in various voice over arenas and loved them all! My years in extensive musical theater training have also taught me to bring great diction and emotion to any character. My favorite project so far was providing the voice for Ruby the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, a youthful and bright animated character, for an educational CD-ROM game. (Pro tip: You can hear a similar voice in the demos below as “Sunny”.) Will your project be my new favorite? I would be thrilled to bring life to your character(s). Check out my Fiverr profile or use the Google Calendar or Contact Form now, and let’s make some magic! 
Natalie Lein 


Character Voices

Character Voice Over Demo Reel

Cute, Helpful, Adorable, Funny, Youthful

Wicked Witch

Mature Adult | Witch, Character, Funny, Creepy, Halloween

Little Girl

Child | Bright, cute, chipper, adorable, fun, playful, energetic

Fairy Friend

Child | Helpful, Encouraging, Cute

Bratty Boy

Child | Brat, Snotty, Bully, Annoying, Anime

Tough Girl

Young Adult | Sassy, Gritty, Angry, Powerful


HopSpark Learning App

Fun, Cute, For Kids, Conversational

Harvest Snaps

Conversational, Edgy, Funky, Upbeat, Cool

Carvana Ad - Toddler

Cute, Funny, Adorable, Energetic

Depression PSA

All Ages | Dramatic, real, honest

PlanWise Money App

Middle Age | Real Person, Conversational

Subaru Go Explore

Real Person, Awe, Wonder, Bright, Inspiring

BrightPath Learning App

Real Person, Conversational

Harvest Market

Real Person, Conversational, Honest

Video and Documentary Narration

Procreate Dreams Instructional Video

Real Person, Narrator, Instructor

Lioness Nature Documentary

Dramatic, Intense, Edge-Of-Your-Seat

Forest Nature Documentary Animation

Narrator, Calming, Bright

Pollination Informational Narration

Real Person, Instructor, Articulate

Like what you hear?

Book an exploratory call through Google Meet!

Or feel free to send me an email…

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