Becoming Elsa, Part I

by Natalie Lein

Y’all, I had no idea how crazy this “next chapter“ would be when I posted my previous blog entry. I was just in the early stages of trying to figure out what was to come in this new season, and, as always, it took twists and turns I never could have imagined.

🎶 I Did It My Way🎵

My husband did actually leave teaching last year! From June to early November, he tried his hand at being a full-time businessman. And, man, was it hard work. He did everything he could to get his ghostwriting business off the ground and coasting, and for quite a while he was coasting amazingly well. But then he learned you can’t put all your eggs in so few baskets. He had clients, and really great clients too! But as they went about their lives and emergency situations arose, they realized they needed to back out of their agreements and pause the progress on their books. So, with a very heavy heart, he returned to teaching once again.

However, so many good things have come from this. He now works at a school that he LOVES. It’s pretty much the best situation he’s had in his 18 years of teaching, so I call that a real win. And he’s learned lots of valuable lessons about business that he never could have learned from continuing all this work just as a side-gig.

I also began babysitting for a work-from-home mom who teaches math online, and that has been an INCREDIBLE blessing! Seeing this kiddo grow up is such a joy, and I know I’m going to be in tears when the school year is over and they don’t need my help anymore.

🎶 There’s No Business Like Show Business🎵

But the biggest thrill for me since that last blog entry has been watching my daughter jump into the local theater scene and find her own voice onstage.

I grew up in the theater. My hometown of Mansfield, Ohio had so many golden opportunities, and I truly never knew what I had until I moved away. The Mansfield Playhouse held amazing youth productions directed by the incomparable Dauphne Maloney. I don’t know how she was always so incredibly kind while wrangling and teaching 25 crazy children to stand and move and sing and play, but she always pulled it off with style and grace. And beyond the Playhouse, we were able to participate in fantastic community shows at the fabulous, historic Renaissance Theatre. As a kid, I knew it was beautiful, but I had no idea what a rare gem that venue truly was. Between the Ren and the Playhouse, I gained a whole new cast of characters in my life who would become like brothers and sisters to me. We were inseparable. And I wanted that for my daughter.

When we moved to Tennessee, I had a feeling there might be some decent local theater opportunities, but I had no idea what I was about to stumble upon.

One beautiful day last summer, our family got together with some friends from church, the Pridemores. Stephanie and I decided to leave the kids with the men and step outside for some conversation. Knowing that she is also an artistic and theatrical kid like me, I told her how much I dreamed of getting back into the theater and getting the kids involved somehow, too. She then told me that she grew up with a woman named Courtney who was doing some fantastic things over in Roane County and gave me her number. A few days later, I took my kids to a beautiful park in Knoxville and decided to send this Courtney-lady a text.

I told her I was interested in helping with their youth theater productions, and she said they would LOVE the help and eventually told me they were planning to do a little number called Seussical, Jr. in the fall. At that, I got super giddy and excited! I didn’t know a lot about the show, but I knew it was one I’d love to work on and learn more about, and it would be a PERFECT opportunity for my daughter to audition. Even if she didn’t make it in, maybe she could learn a role backstage and get a taste of what theater life is like.

🎶 It’s Possible🎵

I worked with V on her audition song from Matilda, took a breath, got to the theater, and met Courtney Minton (the one I had been texting), Robyn Maker, Anna Cox, and Danielle Reynolds. Everyone seemed so pleasant and wonderful, I was curious if it would last, or if it was just a facade. V sang her song, and Robyn seemed amazed. She then told us that no one in the room knew yet, but they would be doing The Sound of Music as a community production at Roane State in the spring and encouraged her to audition. At that, Anna practically started crying she was so excited! I never could have known what a foreshadowing moment that was.

Spoiler alert: V made the cast of Seussical. She actually ended up being Jojo, one of the principal characters. For her first show ever. I could not have been happier, though I was also feeling cautious. She had never done anything like this in her life. Would she fight through the kind of nerves I had as a kid? Would she enjoy the experience of learning her lines and her songs? Would she be fine in rehearsals, but crumble with an audience in the seats?

I should have known I didn’t need to worry. She ended up loving every minute of it, absolutely crushing her role, and making some incredible friends whom she cried about leaving when the show ended. And I couldn’t have been happier.

I also got my chance to jump back in through helping with costumes and painting the set, and I was over the moon.

Once that production was over, though, my thoughts immediately gravitated toward The Sound of Music.

Would I be ready to be in a show again?

I had a lot to pray about. A lot to prepare for. And there were a lot of feelings about to come my way…


Wanna keep up with this journey and see how He answers? I dare you to subscribe. 😉
